423-616-0705 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM (Mon-Sat) 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM (Sun)

Primary Care

Insta-Care recognizes your need for a personal relationship with your primary care team. Our caring physicians are dedicated to listening to your health concerns, treating your individual needs, providing preventive medicine, and working with you to improve your health. Our primary care physicians, practitioners, and support staff provide vital preventative health services and health education to our community members.

Here are some of the general primary care services we offer:
  • Illness Unexpected flus, colds, and other illnesses are one of the most common reasons people visit urgent care clinics. We specialize in providing you quick treatment the same day of the visit without any worry of appointments.
  • Injuries & Accidents If your injury is not life-threatening or at risk for serious complications, you can visit us to get help. We treat broken bones, fractures, lacerations and cuts, whiplash, joint pains, and more effectively, and affordably.
  • Adult Medicine Like children need paediatricians, so adults need adult doctors. Having a doctor, you see regularly for check-ups makes it much easier to live a healthy lifestyle and tend to your overall wellbeing. Our skilled physicians offer diagnosis, treatment, and valuable information on a variety of diseases and conditions.
  • Physical Exams Do you need a health update? We offer physical exams to monitor and test heart rates, blood pressure, cholesterol, and numerous other important attributes.